EV Fest 2014
Electric Vehicle Show

 The Premier Electric Vehicle Show

  New Location Demonstrating 10 EV Charging Stations Together!

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Sustainable and Clean Transportation in Cities!

What is your City doing to move towards sustainable transportation and Electric Vehicles Infrastructure (EVI) roll out and development?

While Mass Transit within cities helps, it does not sufficiently make people move back into cities from 'Bedroom Communities' and other smaller Commuter points.

Other ways Travel and Transportation Efficiency can be encouraged, is to Drive Electric, and Car Pooling by Electric Vehicle is even more Efficient!

Join us at EV Fest 2014 as an Exhibitor and show us and our guests what programs you have in place, what you are developing for coming plans, and your long term outlook for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Development!
Add a Speaker/Presenter to your exhibition team, and we will have a location on site for speakers to present in a controlled space.

Following is a Series of Questions that would be great to have answers for in your presentation!

  1. Is your City Fleet Going All Electric, Plug-in Hybrid, or Mixed Equipment (some of each type)?
  2. Are you making the most use of your electric vehicles or plug-in hybrids by using all opportunity charging and tracking/monitoring services?
  3. Are you identifying where you need more level 2 Charging Stations?
  4. Have you began a plan to install level 3 DC Quick Charging Stations in Strategic Locations?
  5. Are you with MTO to learn and determine the numbers and types, and Brands of Electric Vehicles in your city, to have the data to make a plan from?
  6. Have you begun to locate suitable public placements for 24 hour access to place level 2 and Level 3 Charging Stations, with available power and services (Food, Washrooms, Shopping, Theatre, Mall, etc.)?
  7. Do you have a City Goal of how many electric Vehicles you want registered in your city for 2014? For 2015? 2016? 2017? 2018?
  8. Do you know the current number of Plug-in electric Vehicles that are registered in your city per month?
  9. Do you have a Goal for how many Electric Vehicles per 1,000 Registered Vehicles in the city that you want by 2014? By 2015? 2016? 2017? 2018?
  10. Do you know how many Level 3 DC Quick Chargers should be installed in your city to increase the level of EV use by Double? By Triple?
  11. Have you opened a dialog with other neighboring cities to support inter-city travel by Electric Vehicles?
  12. If (for example) it cost $100,000.00 per DC Quick Charger and Installation, and you allotted $1 (One Dollar) per City Taxpayer for quick Charger installations, How Many could you install?

Prevalent Level 3 EV Charging is most important for:

  • Supporting Long Distance Commuting, beyond the often spoken '40 mile average commuter distance' for people who must commute from one city to another;
  • for Apartment and Condo dwellers whose place of employment does not offer Electric vehicle Charging;
  • For Trips 'to the Cottage' and other weekend highway travel;
  • And for growing the numbers of Electric Vehicles by letting them know there are many places to charge up relatively quickly (20 - 30 minutes from a low of 20% charge - up to a high of 80% Charge)

Each Location with Level 3 DC Quick Charging Should have co-located at least 2 Level 2 Chargers, with at least one of them a High Power Charging Station, to support Vehicles that can not use the DC Quick Charger, but can use a high powered AC Level 2 Charging Station for Supplying its Charge.

Some Important Designations, Descriptions, Instructions, and Nomenclature, can be found in these articles:

Electric vehicle Charging 101.
As any enthusiast, or anyone tracking the automotive industry, can see, electric vehicles (EVs) are inevitably going to be a way of life in the near future. The best evidence of this, besides almost every major manufacturer developing an electric car, is the new Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard put into place by the Obama Administration.

By 2025 every new vehicle sold in the United States will need to get at least 54.5 mpg. Plug-in hybrid EVs and EVs operate on batteries that need to be charged periodically. Because of the inevitability of the EV, it is important to understand how to charge or “fuel” them.

Today, level three chargers are expensive but they can also charge an EV with incredible speed, sometimes in 15 minutes. Level three chargers use a direct current, extremely high voltage and amperage. The most common versions range from 40kW to 50kW, with Tesla's own delivering up to 120 kW.

Review of Battery Charge Topologies, Charging Power Levels and Infrastructure for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles.
In the US, an official domestic goal of putting one million EVs on the road by 2015 has been established, and public policies to encourage electrification have been implemented by governments at all levels.

The need for recharging in the community and on highways—preferably fast charging—is essential for mass commercialization.

Planning for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: A Toolkit.
There are Four Main Steps involved in planning for a network of EV Charging Station infrastructure in your community:
1 - Gaining Council Support
2 - Completing an EV Charging Infrastructure Plan
3 - Plan Implmentation
4 - Monitoring and Evaluation (which feeds back to the step 2)

What are the environmental and climate action benefits of EVs?*
Increased deployment of EVs in your community can provide several environmental and climate action benefits, including:
* 100% reduction in volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide emissions
* Almost 100% reduction in carbon emissions in areas powered by hydroelectricity
* 75% reduction in sulfur oxide emissions
* 65% reduction in nitrous oxide emissions
* 31% reduction particulate matter emissions

Public Charging Infrastructure in Canada.
As noted in the table, DC Fast Charging is available on some of the EVs coming to Canada. The current vehicles comply with the CHAdeMO standard. CHAdeMO is a quick charging method, including a connector and communication protocol that is, in essence, a DC Fast Charge architecture.

Some of the most commonly considered objectives include:

  • Public awareness of charging infrastructure to non-EV owners.
    - This is likely the largest benefit to public charging.
    - The presence of a public charging infrastructure reduces the mental barrier on non-EV owners to concerns over a lack of charging infrastructure.
  • Positive public perception of the host site.
    - This is one of the main considerations of many businesses currently rolling out EV charging infrastructure.
    - The presence of EV charging stations promotes a positive brand image.
    - This is an inherent benefit of almost every charging station. 
  • Increase in non-charging revenue.
    - This is a more recent consideration. Some retail locations, such as coffee shops, have implemented various services to increase the duration of time spent at the location.
  • Charging revenue.
    - This is, currently, the least sound reason to install a public charging station. Even in areas of high plug-in vehicle clustering (ie. Montreal) it is difficult to get a sufficient number of charge events to make the charging revenue sufficient to justify the investment on its own.

Continue, See:
Making Cities Electric Vehicle Friendly




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